lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016


I would like to start with a small introduction of myself, my name is Miguel Llamazares, I am 21 years old and this is my fourth year in the university, I am studying  Business and International Marketing in Spain but now I am in The Netherlands doing a minor called Doing Business with China. My class is small, we are just nine students from different countries, which made the class more attractive and interesting, this essay is gonna be about one of the subjects in this minor, it is call Bildung. This class at the beginning was mysterious for me so I was quite lost because I never hear about nothing related with the term “bildung”. During this seven weeks of class I learned many  interesting personal skills such as know myself better, understand how difficult can be the world if you can´t see nothing, to find another point of view where the other people can´t find nothing.“ Can read the world without your eyes”. To conclude this short introduction and before start with the description of the activities, in addition to a description of my knowledge learned during those events. I would like to remark that my feelings after experiment all those class  related with Bildung is that I learned many useful knowledge about the Chinese behavior an the western behaviors, the difference between them and the similarities that we also have in common to create this perception I based on my experience during this classes where in addition to the participation of Mr. Ruben Sinkeldam we had some other mentors like Len Peterkamp, Joost Alleblas, Ton Overtoom, Kim Meijer, Xue Mu. All of them are experts in certain subjects. I decided to divide in five big events my Bildung experience in order to provide an interesting feedback and tell a little my story and how it has helped me to be more openminded and also to be able to keep the first impressions and listen and try to understand the environment around me on each situation. In this subject we have addressed several issues about China, the Chinese people, their develop, their way of thinking, as it has affected to the passage of the years to their traditions and ways of understanding the world.
Field-trip, Museum, Nijmegen. 

The first stop is, the field-trip to the Blind Museum in Nijmegen, it was during the first week, this was my first experience related with blind people and it was really helpful to be able to generate my firsts perception of what is the meaning of “Bildung”. This was a really interactive and useful activity that we realized in Nijmegen. It was a very spiritual moment, whit spiritual moment I mean that It was completely different experience from what you can experience during a class in a normal classroom in the university. On this Museum we experiment divided in two group with a blind guide how is the normal daily life for the blind people, we participate in some daily activities such as go shopping in a supermarket, crossing a road, take some drinks on a bar and the simple fact of go to the living room in your house, everything is completely different, the daily things that we never paid attention such as the touch, the smell, the weight become real important for everything in your life. The experience was also sometimes a bit stressful when you see how much this people have to trust in completely unknown people from different business or in the street. In my opinion this experience is going to be very useful when we trip to China, because there we are going to find a world in other language and other characters even the signals in the street will be difficult to recognize for us and this activity help us in the way of experiment the same feeling before being there. In this museum I realized in the important paper who have the relation between the people and especially how vulnerable we can be on certain occasions when we are alone or for various reasons we feel different from the environment that surrounds us. During our stay in China we will also experience a sensation similar to being blind, due to the language mainly but also due to all the differences that we will see in the lifestyle and we will have to be able to survive in this estrange world, in the same way as the blind people have to do each day, so the conclusion that I learned from this trip is that you have to be openminded and you should not judge the people meeting them and try to be always responsible with the people and try to help the others in everything is possible because maybe one day you will need this help as well.

Religion and History. 

The second activity that I would like to mention is the Religion and History where I was able to improve in a interactive and interesting way different facts and relevant events that the Chinese history had, such as the history of the emperors and how their laws shaped what is now China. Gijs Theunissen and Shira Godfriedall were the teachers who saw us how to understand the development of the Chinese culture until nowadays and why this nation still have a close relation between the present and history. A good example of this is the amount of traditions they have related for example with the tea, the status in the society… These classes about history make me think that the history is very relative, depends in where you were in that moment to see the consequences of these acts, it was a very necessary class to make a strong base for our Minor and our soon trip to China. Thank to this class we can appreciate the art and understand what the artist would like to express with his work. Besides, Mr. Ton Overtoom was the teacher with who we were learning more about the religion in China, the conflicts between the several religions that are present in China nowadays and their conflicts along the history and how the Chinese society was gaining knowledge from those religions. Firstly, we have to understand that China is a really huge country that can be also consider if you look the km2 as a continent where you can find several minorities with their own language, habits and their own way to understand the life. During these lessons I was able to understand the difference between those minorities besides the difference between the philosophy of each of then and why it is inspired from different stories or characters. 
Ethics and technology.

Ethics & technology, in this class I was able to understand how fast is the develop of the world and how integrated is the technology in our lives, always with some knowledge of how affect this in the Chinese society to be able to understand their actual habits of life. I would like to remark the interactive aspect of the class, with some quiz for the students, making it more attractive for us with visual presentations and oral discussions during the lesson where we share our knowledge about the technology nowadays. 
During this classes Joost Alleblas was the teacher who show us how is the develop of the technology ands how it can help to the people nowadays with some reflections about the past when the people didn't have any of this useful inventions besides I had the opportunity to see the thin line that links ethics with new technologies, to what extent it would be ethical to do certain things such as the access to the privacy information the the social media have in order to provide data to certain companies about the personal behaviors of the people. Furthermore, in my opinion about this class it will be better if the class have more interactive activities such as watching videos regarding the technology related to ethics. This will help the students to be able to see the issues of don't take in to consideration the ethic when it comes to creating a new technology.

Ethics and Integrity. 

The other class related with ethic was Ethic & Integrity where I was able to understand what was the real meaning of integrity. It is a real important word that nowadays is difficult to explain for the people, we saw it when Kin Meijer, the teacher, asked this question to the class. Thank to this class I was able to understand the importance of the integrity and all the steps before it. Besides, the huge number of wrong meanings that the people nowadays have when they are asked about this topic. For me as a foreigner in Holland it was really helpful in order to know in which point I was at the begging of the Minor and where I am now. I want to add that all those classes make me more open minder to respect the world around me and to improve my personal skills and develop the relation with my classmates with whom now I have a really close relation and I think that is thank to these classes where I grow as a person. 


The art topic split in two different lectures, one of them is the Chinese art and the other one is Art workshop. I am going to talk about is the Art workshop class before, where we could choose between different colors to write and draw and after that we had a explanation about the meaning of each colors that we choose for the activity and that was a really reflective lesson to improve our personality and acquire more knowledge about ourselves in a very interactive activity making it very easy to remind and absorb this information. Len Peterkamp was the teacher who teach us about her knowledge on this field, she tried to make it very visual and relaxing at the same time that we were learning the difference between the personality of the people. 
The other Art class is more related with the Chinese art and their artist. The teacher Xue Mu was teaching the difference between the Chinese way of art along the history compare with our art history in Europe. I saw the difference between the style of the artist from the same period of time and also the similarities that they have in some aspects of their work. It was really useful to see the different technology available in Europe and in China during the same period, the topics of the paints and sculptures, the technic used to create the work and the materials that the artist  was using… With this lecture I also was able to define the behaviors of the people not just looking at the time, also looking the place where the artist made the work, in what the people from this place at this time was worried about, what was the most important things fro them at that moment. 

To conclude I want to say that I would like to continue improving my personal skills related to the relationship with the other people even if they are not practicing the same religion. Even if they are from different countries. I am looking forward to implement what I have learned in this subject for these seven weeks for my trip to China. I personally think that the subject give me tips, stories and knowledge that I will take in to consideration drink my trip to China. In my opinion, what I have learned in Bildung´s lessons is a really useful material that help me to understand a little better the world around me and even myself and the people around me. It is very useful to prevent the racism or any problem related to cultural differences. 

Miguel Llamazares Prada

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

Essay 2.                                  ALIBABA

  1. What are the keys of the development of Alibaba as an organization?

  • Visionary, strong and hard-working leader: The leader must to have a strong personality, he have to lead the group and be prepared for failure.
  • Common goals: In a big group is difficult to have the same goals but you have to work together to achieve the same objetives
  • Seizing opportunities: The leader have to be prepared to find new opportunities every day, He have to know what are the most interesting projects and how their employes have to work to achieve this objectives.
  • Good working environment: It is important to keep the employe´s moral as high as you can because they are the workforce of the company.
Additionally of this characteristics which can define Alibaba´s leader, Jack Ma, also they have the traditional knowledge to adapt their company to the Chinese market, this is maybe the best advantage over Ebay and other competitors.

  1. Describe the reasons as to why Ebay did not manage to set foot to the Chinese market?

There are so many reasons to explain Ebay´s problems in the Chinese market. First of all, Ebay is a website to sell your old goods and this kind of market was not common in China, other reason is that Ebay´s staff did not speak Chinese so this was another problem that they should solved because the Chinese people still seeing Ebay as a foreigner company. Besides, Ebay arrived to the Chinese market with his global website design, the result was that for the Chinese people was difficult to understand also Ebay has a commission(8%) and Tao Bao didn't has any comission. One of the most important problems was that their employes were demotivated and start to leave the company. 
Ebay didn't understand the traditional Chinese market and they try to impose their own way, but in the other hand Tao Bao has enough experience and they respect the traditional business way, which was more attractive to the Chinese people. apart of these reasons Ebay was working with US servers blocking certain pages because the Great Firewall. Besides, Ebay tried to implement their own payment systems, making it inconvenient for the Chinese consumer.

  1. To what extent social aspects and culture has affected the successes of failures of Alibaba up until thus day?

Alibaba was affected by the internet modernization in China, because nowadays more and more people have internet access and thanks to the new model of Alibaba´s websites the people prefer to buy all the goods on the internet because they are develop an easy way to have access to a really huge fan of goods such as first necessity goods like food, clothes and entertainment but also other products like cars or travel packages in other countries. 
Jack ma knows perfectly what was the needs, the trends and preferences of Chinese people and he was capable to create a easy system for their consumers who want to order  their products on internet instead of going to the traditional markets. 
Besides, Alibaba was lucky to find the development in this increasing economic stage in China, millions of people were able to have a computer and money to buy their wants instead of just expend the money in their needs. 

  1. What are the fundamental differences you see from an organizational viewpoint between Alibaba and other competitors in the world such as Amazon for instance?

The Amazon´s business model is based in low margins, offering a huge fan of products in to the easiest way for their consumers and giving so many spacial services to their clients for example with the Premium service, discounts for loyal customers, furthermore, Amazon has one of the fastest delivery services and a real guarantee for their clients. 
Alibaba haven't got margins, they obtain his profit from advertising and his Premium Service. Amanzon has a very close relationship with their customers but Alibaba don't work like this, they have their benefit from the publicity, they earn money with the people who wants to advertise their products depending how many people are going to see the advertise instead of earn the money depending the people who click in the product. Besides Alibaba has some fiscal advantages over Amazon because in China the taxes are lower than other countries and also the tax benefit. 
  1. Do you see Alibaba setting foot outside of China? Whatever your choices explain arguments.

Nowadays, the e-commerce market is growing year by year and Alibaba is one of the huge companies in this field, so definitely they are going to have a successfully future outside of China because it would increase the demanding of jobs in other sub-develop countries and it would help to their economy since it is the current tool to make business nowadays. 
Alibaba is going to have a really good accept in many countries but it might suffer changes in their in his structure and also the way they used to work in China due to the cultural differences between eastern countries and western countries.


Ed Sander, ChinaTalk. 2016. “ Alibaba & e-commerce in China” consulted on 22 septembre 2016.

2014. IDaccion Business news. “Claves para emular el éxito de Jack Ma”. consulted on 22 septembre 2016

Juan Pablo Vazquez Sampere. 2014. “The first Real Test for Amazon´s Business Model”. consulted 23 September 2016.

Enrique Fanjul. 2015. “Hacia un nuevo modelo de crecimiento Chino”. consulted on 23 September 2016.

Xavier Fontdeglória. 2014. “Alibaba un gigante con mucho más que comercio electrónico” consulted on 23 september 2016.

Miguel Llamazares Pra
Chinese outbound travel 
Firstly, I am going to start whit a short description about the Chinese market nowadays. Chinese market is growing day to day sin 1990, when the amount of Chinese tourist are approximately 10 million people and now, 25 years later they have become in more than
110 million people. Another interesting thing that we need to consider is that Chinese tourists are the people who more money spend in his holidays, they used to spend around 1.200$ when they go shopping which makes Chinese tourist in one of the most interesting consumers for our companies.

Chinese tourism market had generate 170 million USD last year and this amount is growing as fast as Chinese people decided to spend them holidays out of China. In one hand we can see that the Chinese tourism is losing so many consumers in his common destinations like Hong Kong and Macao because nowadays Chinese people decided to travel to new exotic places, like EEUU and Europe, to cities like Madrid, Barcelona and Amsterdam where the amount of Chinese tourist is growing every year.

Secondly, we are going to describe how is the Chinese tourist. They used to have an international trip once a year, normally with their family and friends, just the 15% decided to travel alone. They used to travel in the Chinese new year (Golden week) and during October because there is when starts the national holidays. The age of these travelers are between 25 and 45 years old, and they used to prefer destinations with direct flight from China. The most of the Chinese tourists expend 2-3 nights in each destination and they used to have problems to speak in english. Besides Chinese tourist loves to enjoy the local gastronomy and visit the most representative places in each destinations.

If we focus in how Chinese tourist plan them trips, we can appreciate that they used to go to 4-5 stars hotels and they organize their trips with some web sites, just the 30-40% of the chinese tourist reserve them hotels with travel agencies. Their favorites destinations are used to be the cultural and historic places.

Thirdly, in this point we are going to talk about the hotel preference of the Chinese tourist, which hotels are more attractive for them. Free Wifi is one of the most important thing for a Chinese tourist and also a flexible and effective hotel service, they want to find Chinese food in the restaurant especially for the breakfast, they also used to eat at the hotel so is important for them to have a good restaurant in the hotel. Besides They like to find some information about the city where they are in Chinese and some recommendations to go shopping also in Chinese, another important thing for this tourist is to find adapters for them Chinese phones. 

To conclude, I want to talk about the last trends in tourism for Chinese people. The market is changing, nowadays, Chinese people decide to have more relaxed and long trips than a few years ago when their trips were more cultural. Besides Chinese people like to participate in some traditional activities from the place where they are visiting.

Europe is a huge continent where the chinese tourist can find a great fan of interesting places to visit. They can choose between so many kinds of tourism for example, historic tourism where they can go to beautiful places like Rome, Athens or Granada or they might be prefer to travel to the centre of Europe where they can find so many facilities to trip to different countries like Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium because we have a really good transport services to go to so many places with a lot of activities and awesome cities where they will think that is in a fantasy place. Also for this special moments when you trip with your couple, they can also find greats opportunities to discover their prefect place with cities like Paris in France. Besides, they can choose between winter sports like ski or snowboard because Europe has some of the best places for these kind of sport in The Alps or in Pyrenees but it is a small part of all the activities related with sports that you can find here. But if their idea is spend the time in a relaxed holidays in the beach, Europe has the Mediterranean Sea where you can find thousands of incredible beaches with completely transparent water and paradisiac views. 

All these exceptional cities and places are prepared for giving the best service for the Chinese tourist, they are nor going to miss their food but also they can choose a fan of our gastronomic specialities both modern and tradicional european food from all the different countries. 

I am going to focus now on The Netherlands because is one of the most important place for the chinese tourism in Europe, apart the excellent services that they cane find here with a huge overt of specific hotels focused on the chinese tourist where they are going to fell like in the best of any hotel in China but with the european luxury services. Besides, when the chinese tourist where on the street they can find the basic sings to find the right way. 

In The Netherlands, the most famous place to visit is Amsterdam where you have got many interesting things to do like visit the Van Gogh museum art or you can go shopping on the bigs avenues where you can find the most selective and exclusive shops like Louis Vuitton, Prada, etc.
But you can also go to the picturesque villages around Amsterdam like Volendam or Edam and also Giethoorn where you can find incredible canals like in Venice with the dutch typical houses next to the canals. You can rent a boat to live the experience more exciting.


2012. “Tag - Turismo en Holanda”. consulted on 8 September 2016
Raúl García López. 2015. “Turismo chino (I), claves para conocer sus gustos y necesidades”. consulted on 8 September 2016

 2015. “Tendencias del turismo chino emisor en 2015”. Consulted 8 September 2016.

Jennifer Zhang. 2016. ”El turismo chino no es futuro es presente”. consulted on 8 Septermber 2016.

MIguel Llamazares Prada